The 2008 Scene . . . .
My reason for doing this? One, I think it's wise to know what's going on in the world. Two, if you like 24, then odds are, you got to like politics JUST a bit. Three, I'm running out of ideas on what to do here, and this seems sorta relative to 24 (See Point Two).
So . . .
The Candidates for the 2008 Presidential Primaries:
Democratic Candidates:
Fr. Senator Mike Gravel of Alaska
Senator Christopher Dodd of Connecticut
*Fr. Governor Tom Vilsack of Iowa
Representative Dennis Kucinich of Ohio
*Fr. Senator John Edwards of North Carolina
*Senator Barrack Obama of Illinois
*Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York
*Governor Bill Richardson of New Mexico
Republican Candidates:
Businessman John H. Cox of Illinois
Businessman Michael Charles Smith of Oregon
*Senator Sam Brownback of Kansas
*Senator John S. McCain III of Arizona
*Governor Jim Gilmore of Virginia
*Fr. Mayor Rudolph W. L. Guiliani III of New York
*Representative Duncan Hunter of California
*Representative Ron Paul of Texas
Fr. Governor Willard Romney of Massachusetts
Representative Tom Tancredo of Colorado
Fr. Secretary Tommy Thompson of Wisconsin
Now, the little (*) next to some of these names are basically my guesses on who is actually going to make it to the Primaries and do well in them come early 2008. Now, my reasons are pretty simple, but they basically come down to three things:
One, they have name recognition. (Always a plus IMO)
Two, they are from the South. (Historically, at least in the Presidential Elections starting at 1968, he who wins the South tends to win the Presidency. Also note that the last Presidents Bush (Texas), Clinton (Arkansas), Bush (Texas), Reagan (California), & Carter (Geogria) were all FROM the South.)
So we have about 10 months to the Primaries and 22 Months to the General Election. What will the 2008 Scene look like then??